The purpose of the Trust are as follows:
1. Inspiring the rural population for education development by expanding education programs which is the foundation of the overall development of the nation;
2. Improving the standard of living of the people by improving social, economic and educational development of the nation through education development;
3. Raising public awareness in education development by providing financial support (prize/scholarship) to school children;
4. To provide study, research, training and consulting services in the fields of social development including education, health, women, children, senior citizens and people with disabilities;
5. To provide study, research, training and consulting services in the field of language, literature and art;
6. To carry out awareness-raising, promotional and cooperative work in the fields of education, health, agriculture, communication and environment for social transformation;
7. Conducting youth-centric self-employment programs to prevent youth migration;
8. To conduct public awareness programs in health and nutrition, consumer right protection, consumer awareness, and waste management in coordination, cooperation and partnership with national and international organizations.
9. To conduct public awareness and promotional programs for the promotion of religious and cultural sectors;
10. Conduct capacity building programs for the promotion of human rights, child rights, women's rights, social justice and empowerment of women and targeted groups;
11. To increase public awareness in the society by conducting programs related to promotion of good governance and control of corruption;
12. Producing documentaries in various fields for promotional work;
13. Organizing various types of trainings, conferences and seminars to interact and discuss on contemporary issues